Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ok, so I know that this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over due on the updates but I honestly haven't been super motivated these past couple of months which is something that I've been trying to work on.  My house would really appreciate it if I would get a little motivation going, but it is so hard when you have two children demanding your attention.  So I'm just going to give you a few updates in bullet form and some cute pictures of our adorable children, who look so much like each other it's just funny.

  • In October the sale on our little town home went through.  We are officially home owners!
  • Olivia turned two
  • In November we had a lovely Thanksgiving in Frankie's family
  • At the beginning of December JD began to sleep through the night!  WooHoo!  I became one happy mom
  • Frankie also began to look really hard for a new job and has done a lot of work on his professional portfolio
  • We had a quiet and fun Christmas with the Wells family and the Rodriguez family
  • We got a new baby cousin, Parker Kent Allen
  • January was started off with a pretty rough surgery on Frankie's jaw that laid him low for pretty much the rest of the month
  • We started some home improvement projects around the house, like reorganizing the children's bedroom so we could set up Olivia's new bed
  • Olivia started to sleep in a big girl bed
  • JD and Olivia started to share a room
  • In February we got to go and spend some time with the Allen family and got to meet baby Parker
  • JD started to eat solids, but still isn't a fan
  • In March I finally buckled down and started going to the gym with Bonnie
So as you can see, we haven't been extremely busy around here but things have been moving along.  Both Olivia and JD are growing more and more every day.  Olivia is such a sweet older sister, not once has she shown any kind of jealousy towards her brother, only love, affection and concern when the need arises.  

I may do some more posts on the some of the topics above, I just wanted to do a brief update and post some cute pictures.

1 comment:

Alyssa Harper said...

Cute pictures!!! I love to read your updates. I can't believe how much your kids look alike! My kids don't even look like they're from the same continent, let alone the same family. ;) And even then, I've still accidentally switched up their names a couple times already. Goodness. I'm totally pulling a mom, right? :) Good to hear you're doing well. We miss you guys!