Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We're Parents!!!

So, here's the scoop. Olivia Judith Workman was born on October 27th at 1:45 in the morning. As Natasha noted, she followed her dad's example of coming late, but making a big entrance. She had no complications exiting the womb and within minutes found herself bonding with mom for her first feeding. She was 7 lbs, 2 oz, and measured in at 19 inches long. She's now a bit more than a day old and she is absolutely beautiful. When asked how she felt, Angie replied "It's such a surreal feeling to finally be holding her in my arms. She's my little angel and I love her so much. It's so exciting!!" Frankie's response was, well, definitely Frankie, "I'm just glad she wasn't a fugly baby." After taking a slight beating from his wife for that remark, he indicated that Olivia is quite honestly a miracle. She represents absolute goodness and we know that she will be a happy child that will bring joy to her parents and anyone she comes in contact with.

On the 26th, we called the hospital at just before 6:00 am to see what time would be good to come in for the induction and were told to report there at 7:15 am. After reporting, getting checked in, and Angie getting all changed out and ready, she was induced just before 8:30 am. The contractions began within minutes and we were hopeful that she might be quick. By 12:30 however, she still hadn't shown any major progress with her contractions and her cervix was at a solid 2, so Dr. Olsen came and broke her water at 12:30 pm. When her water was broken, there was a considerable amount of mecosium (the baby's first bowel movement) present in the liquid, which could be a potential risk if Olivia inhaled it on her first breath. Dr. Olsen was superb at reading the signs and had Deanna, Angie's nurse, double-check the inventory to ensure that they would be ready with suction bubbles and pumps for Olivia.

At around 2:15 pm the contractions started to get much stronger and more painful. At one point, Angie hit a solid 8 on the pain scale. At 3:00 pm Deanna and Dr. Mortenson (Junior) gave her the epidural. At 4:00, Deanna measured Angie's cervix again. The measurement indicated that she had progressed to a 3+, so all we had to do was wait. Angie progressed a bit slower than normal, but she had no complications and Olivia's vitals indicated that she wasn't under any stress. By 6:00 she was at a 4+ and by 8:00 she had gotten to a 6. By 9:00 she was at a 7 and by midnight she was at a solid 9. At 12:30 am she was pronounced fully dilated and Anngee (yup, that's what her name-tag read), her new nurse, put Angie on rest and descent to prepare for the pushing. At 1:00 am, Angie began the grueling task of pushing, but Olivia crowned so quickly that she had to be stopped so Anngee could page Dr. Olsen. Dr. Olsen was in by 1:30 am and within 15 minutes, Olivia was out. She had no complications during birth and Dr. Olsen did a great job ensuring that her first breaths were clean. Pretty cool huh!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lets Begin the Countdown

It seems like it was only last month that we were finding out for the first time that we were going to be having a little girl and now we are 6 days away from meeting her now. Today I had an appointment with my doctor and was told that because of my gestational diabetes he wanted to induce me at 39 weeks. I couldn't believe how excited I was when I first heard that. But now I'm still excited, but I'm also nervous that the time is finally here. So much is going to change in our daily lives and it scares me just a little, but I'm still so very excited to meet my little girl, Olivia.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's about time!

So we have finally decided that we need to stay more current on our blogspot. Ok, so here's the scoop: Angie is now officially getting ready to pop out her first baby. The baby's name is going to be Olivia Judith Workman and it is already evident that she is definitely a wiggle-worm. She is being called Olivia in honor of olives and Judith in honor of Frankie's mother, Judy. Sources say that this baby has been over 3 years in the making. A close friend to Frank and Angie notes that Angie is going to be relieved to finally have this pregnancy over with. Other sources confirm that Frankie is very anxious to become a dad and can't wait to start teaching his little girl the how-to-always-remain-a-kid techniques as soon as possible. Angie recently acknowledged that she actually had a kid about 4 1/2 years ago when she consented to marry this guy and is now ready to take on the challenge of 2. All we can say is it's gonna be one crazy ride for the both of them. Do you think she's up to it? Write Away right away.