Just over a year ago Frank started a new job with American Express in SLC as a Customer Care Professional. He loved his job working as a manager with Convergys, but it wasn't helping us in the financial department so it was time for him to move on.
Since his new job was in SLC, we began to look into different living options. We thought that we had found the perfect little apartment to rent and were in line at the bank to get our cashiers check, when we both looked at each other and said that it didn't feel right. Now Frank stays with his parents Wednesday-Friday and comes home Saturday night. It has been hard, very hard, being alone with the kids, but we have made it work because it is where we are suppose to be right now.
Being at home with the kids is such a great blessing for our family, but it is also very hard for me, being with ONLY childrend 4 of the 7 days of the week. My sister, Jeannie, moved her family here from Las Vegas last summer, so I've been watching her little boy, Parker, a few days a week. I'm very grateful that I can help them out with their family. Theyr, in return, let me come to their house a few evenings a week so that I can have some adult interaction to keep me sane,
The biggest update for me is that I had another beautiful little boy, Logan, on June 17th. It was my hardest pregnancy yet, but I really have no room to complain because I know that there are women who have had WAY harder pregnancies than me.
Our sweet little Lady Bug is growing big and strong right before our eyes. She had her first year of pre-school and has just started her second year. She has loved it and has learned so much. She has become such a great helper to me, first with JD and Parker and now with baby Logan. I don't know what I would do with out my little girl who will be turning 5 in a couple of weeks. She is really looking forward to her birthday and so have I.
Our Chili Bean just turned three and is as full of energy as ever. That little boy will just go, go, go until I force him to go to bed at night. He pretty much potty trained himself last April. That's righ, I say he did it, because all I did was buy him the underwear and put him on the potty. He figured out all the hard stuff on his own. So I was very excited that I was only goingto be buying diapers for one child. JD will jump off and climb just about anything, often surpassing his sister in the daring department. It is a miracle that we haven't had to get stitches for him or that he hasn't broken any bones.
Our little Smallish Bear joined our family on Junde 17th only two day after his due date. (Imagine me saying that with a lot of sarcasm, both Olivia and JD arrived a week before their due dates.) The first two hour of his life here were spent in the NICU on a ventilator. It was a little scary, but I had full confidence in the staff at the hospital. For the first 6 weeks all her ever wanted to do was eat, eat, eat. Sometimes he would combine his naps with his eating, which had me nursing for an hour or so at times. Nothing got done around the house. (Actually, nothing still gets done around the house.) Now he is 3 1/2 monthes old and a big, big smiler and a pretty good sleeper. He doesn't sleep through the night consistantly, but it is usually once a night that he will wake up.