On Wednesday, January 28, my former mission president passed away after a diagnosis of cancer took a turn for the worst. President Jim Weipert was a Spiritual Giant with an enormous heart and a love for the Lord Jesus Christ. He will long be remembered for his sense of laughter his deep sincerity and the work he dedicated himself and his family to those years on the other side of heaven in Paraguay.
When he became president, I only had about 2 transfers before I was about to finish up my service there. I quickly grew to like him because of his sincerity, but more particularly because he knew how to make us laugh. I found out from one of the elders that worked in the office that they regularly had to keep their eyes open whenever they were in the office because you'd never know when Pte Weipert would come in and go on a shooting rampage. To get back at him, the office Elders would take his ties and hide them from him... usually by wearing them around him until he figured out where his ties were missing. He knew how to have fun, but he also knew how to work and how to motivate the Elders to work and never stop learning, especially how to love the gospel they taught. More particularly, he helped me realize that if I knew my or our decisions were truly influenced by the Holy Ghost, that I should never need to question that judgement. He helped me to be very strong in my confidence and I am grateful to him for that.
Hesukristo resurreccion rupive jajuhechata jeyta ha jajukuta! Thanks to Christ, We will be Together again to renew those good times. Thanks President Weipert